We control the valves!
MOTORQUE PRAHA s.r.o Laudova 1018, 163 00 Praha 6 Czech Republic
tel: +420 235301590-1 mob: +420 603230131- e-mail: info@motorque.cz

    The Valvetop® D-Series is Built Tough! Designed to provide reliable service for a lifetime

  • SIL3 IEC61508
  • Wet - Tested against intense water pressure blasts and complete submersion underwater for ½ hour
  • Hot - Tested for endurance in temperatures up to 176ºF/80ºC
  • Cold - Tested for endurance in temperatures down to -58ºF/-50ºC
  • Dirty - Tested in dust chamber and proven dust tight
  • Abusive - Tested against the “300 pound man step test” and proven impact and step resistant
  • Corrosive - Tested against hundreds of corrosive and caustic elements and proven to resist deterioration or chipping
  • Explosive - Tested by UL for use in explosive environments with no seal-off fittings required (DXP, DXS)
  • Chemical Compatibility - Tested against hundreds of chemicals with varying exposure times, temperatures, and concentrations. Please see this link for specific chemical compatibility information